About Me

My photo
I'm 57 years old, working full time, wife, mother and grand mother, wishing that I wasn't working full time! I love and enjoy our children and grandchildren, our dogs and cat, our garden and allotment. I love crafts - knitting, sewing, crocheting, patchwork and restoring old furniture. I love to go to country auctions and love thinking that I've got my self a bargain!

Friday, 25 March 2011


Yes thank Goodness it's Friday! - I always think that Friday night is the best time of the week and Sunday night the worst. There's nothing like knowing that you've got a lovely weekend in front of you - time to catch up with all the chores, time to spend in the garden, time to see my children and their partners, and my beautiful granddaughters, time to read and time to sleep in........ Sunday night is all about getting ready to start commuting and trying to remember all what I left on my desk and didn't achieve last week. I shouldn't moan should I? -  there's lots of people out there who would give anything to be able to look forward to going out to work again. I suppose I am lucky.........

Well, I've cleaned  the house through since I've been home, the washing is in the washer, no more to be done tonight, so I'm going to sit down now with a nice cup of tea and a magazine and relax (it used to be a bottle of wine before this recession hit and the cost of everything went up!)

Hope you have a good weekend


  1. We were both in the Royal Navy;we used to dread that 'Sunday feeling'knowing that we would both be going our separate ways for the week (only a week if we were lucky!). Long time ago....now the weekend is for chores 'catch up' because there just isn't enought time in the week.
    Jane x

  2. Jane - That must have been awful no wonder you dreaded Sundays - you had good cause to, like I said I suppose I'm lucky but we always want what we can't have don't we? When I hear people say that they don't want to retire, I always think, well I do!!
    Enjoy your weekend Sandra x
