Evening All,
I've come home this evening to the dreaded email from British Gas asking me to submit my gas and electricity readings - we've been careful with the usage especially the gas due to the price rises and by my reckoning I shouldn't be in debit but will have very little credit left on the account - Thank goodness it's not been too bad a winter so far ( those could really be famous last words!).
But we have used the log burner a lot more and may only just scrape through the winter with the logs we have left but if it does turn colder in the next few weeks, we will need an extra half load of logs.
Sounds daft but I don't mind paying for a delivery of logs - at least you know what you're getting and at what price whereas with the gas and electricity bills who knows!!
Can I just respond to some comments that were recently left
Never Too Old - You could try advertising on Freecycle for another freezer - that's where I got my last one from and it works brilliantly - yes we do grow our own veg, we had half an allotment for the last 2 years but in the summer last year we managed to get the other half so we now have a full allotment. My hubby, son and daughter in law do all the digging, weeding and planting out up there - I'm more the 'support services' colleague so the greenhouses and starting off the seeds are my responsibility - it does help and saves a lot of money by having it.
Anne - I agree, I would love an old walk in pantry with bright white painted shelves and a cold slab
PattyPan - I have always thought that you must have had a country background from your posts, which I have always enjoyed reading. I have followed some of your recipes and enjoyed them too. I like to read about your visits to the fruit and veg shop and the butchers - we just don't have 'proper' shops like those around here - I have to travel to say Bridgenorth which is about 8 miles away to find anything similar, a 16 mile round trip then makes the produce even more expensive. The butchers I use is back where I used to live a 20 mile journey so that's why I buy in bulk and freeze. I think we ladies who like to shop sensible, cook and preserve 'proper' food, provide filling healthy meals and enjoy homemaking and crafts are now really something special in this day and age.
Anne - Your saying is much better than Kippers and Curtains - I shall not be able to look at anyone in a fur coat without smiling to myself! I understand what you say with regard to the heating too. I hope your Mum will soon be feeling better - I enjoy reading about your days out together.
Scarlet - You can't believe how some people will live can you? - just to be able to say that they have a fancy posh address - Like you - I've always said to my children, no matter whatever happens in life there will always be a a roof here for them with a warm bed and food on the table - if I can't help them with anything else, there will always be that.
Kath - Nice to hear from you again
Oh well, time to make a move - I hope you all have a good week xxx
meter reading is actually quite scary,I try so hard to cut back on my usage.Its freezing indoors at the moment well 17 deg.I entered my details today and it was frightening,Good luck
Hi thanks for dropping in!. I know what you mean I read the meter every 2 weeks! & try & keep on top of lights left on (mainly son). He gets annoyed that I send him back upstairs to turn lights of when he has left them on! Tough love!
ReplyDeletex x
Just to let you know that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award- details on my blog. I won't be offended if you don't accept!
ReplyDeletehello! getting in touch as my old blog appears on your bloglist, but its moved and changed name now! Somersetseasons no longer exists! mY new name is tales of simple days, i would be grateful if you could ammend it!! thank you,!! Leanne x